Bachusowe Pole Vineyard

Bachusowe Pole Vineyard

During your visit to the local restaurants, a characteristic dotted label on the botlles of wine will surely draw your attention. Such a label is the second most important identification mark of the Bachusowe Pole Vineyard, of course just after the flavour of its wine which you can get to know during a tasting.

General information

ulica Winiarska 1, 66-003 Zabór
tel: +48 503 411 315
Planting area: 2 ha


The current offer is available after contacting the vineyard.

Points of sale


  • the Bachusowe Pole Vineyard

Zielona Góra

  • the wine cellar in Park Winny (Winery Park)

Wine tasting

The details of the tasting are arranged directly with the vineyard.

The treat includes: a cheeseboard, lunch meat and fruits.

Place of a tasting: a hall in the Lubuskie Winemaking Centre in Zabór

Useful information

Group service: up to 50 people
Parking for coaches: YES
Individual tourist service: YES