Book a tour guide

Do you need a guide service in Zielona Góra?

The tourist season is knocking at the door. If you want to get to know Zielona Góra and its neighbouring vicinity better, contact us. We will eagerly advise you and answer all your questions.

A guided tour is a nice way to find out more about the city. Therefore, we have prepared a package of interesting programmes concerning such tours for you. What is more, each programme can be adjusted to your individual needs.

Useful information

Coach park:
– a coach bay near the philharmonic hall – Plac Powstańców Wielkopolskich (up to 15 min.),
– the Sport and Recreation Centre – ulica Sulechowska 41,
– the Nature Centre – ulica Gen. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego 10,
– the Palm House – entrance from ulica Piaskowa.

Public toilets (paid):
– the town hall – Stary Rynek 1,
– Pod Topolami – ulica Pod Topolami 25,
– the bus interchange station – ulica Gen. Józefa Bema 5,
– the train station – ulica Dworcowa 32c.

Any questions? We will be more than happy to help you.

Do not hesitate to contact us!

Visit Zielona Góra
Stary Rynek 1
Tel: +48 68 323 22 22
E-mail address:

Spacer z mapą turystyczną po Zielonej Górze

Walk around the city (2-3h)

The programme allows you to visit the most important tourist attractions of Zielona Góra. During a walk, you can admire, among other things, historic tenement houses located along Zielona Góra’s pedestrian area and the Old Town.
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Quick glass of wine (3h)

This walk around the city takes into account the places related to the local winemaking (such as: the old Raetsch cognac factory, a historic wine cellar). In addition, during a tour, you will follow the Route of the Little Bacchuses, i.e. amusing figurines related to the hundred-year-old winemaking traditions of Zielona Góra. Sounds like a good idea? Of course! What is more, at the end of the tour, you will take part in a wine tasting!
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Przewodniczka w stroju historycznym ogląda ekspozycje w Oranżerii.

Following the traces of the Duchess of Dino (1-2h)

Zatonie Ducal Park is a real natural and architectural jewel of Zielona Góra. One of the owners of this estate was the famous Dorothea de Talleyrand-Périgord. During a walk, you will see, among others things, the preserved ruins of the 17th-century palace, the Rose Temple and beautiful nature, including wild garlic, which has become the park emblem. The tour will be ended off with aromatic coffee and delicious desserts served in Café Orangerie.
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Oder River by a Polish Galar boat (6h)

The programme will let you see the most important tourist attractions of Zielona Góra and then the splendid vicinity of the city. During a cruise, you can admire the Oder riverine nature and local vineyards.
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Winemaking-Related Sights of the City (8h)

The programme offers sightseeing of Zielona Góra and its vicinity with concentration on the local winemaking traditions. During this tour, you can visit the only Wine Museum in Poland, see a unique wine tower in the Ethnographic Museum in Ochla, as well as listen to stories about the old winemaking factories. A wine presentation in one of the charming places of Zielona Góra will top out the tour.
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Let’s meet with Bacchus! (1-2h)

In Zielona Góra, you can find over 70 amusing figurines of the little Bacchuses! A walk in search of them will allow you to see the city from a completely new perspective and will make you enjoy your day!
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Adventure with education and fun (6h)

This programme will give you a dose of energy and let you experience unforgettable quality time. 
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Top 10 attractions in the Lubuskie region

Selected attractions from the Lubuskie province.
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