Lubuskie Military Museum in Drzonów

Military vehicles, tanks, warplanes…

The museum’s collections include a few thousands of pieces related to the history of both the general and Polish military science.
Two exhibitions are especially worth seeing: the military heavy equipment and the military aviation collection. They constitute one of the leading national military expositions.

The museum’s pieces of military heavy equipment, as well as warplanes and helicopters are presented in the area of a 4-hectare landscape park and in a 600-square-metre exhibition pavilion.

Mini-open-air museum and other attractions

An exceptional attraction is a mini-open-air museum of fortifications which includes the Polish, Soviet and German school of military engineering.

In the 19th-century palace, there are permanent exhibitions: „Dawna Broń” (The Old Weapon), „Wojsko Polskie 1914-1945” (The 1914-1945 Polish Army), „Polskie Kobiety-Żołnierze” (The Polish Female Soldiers), „Wojsko Polskie po 1945 r.” (The Post-1945 Polish Army), „Gabinet Myśliwski” (The Hunter Office), as well as temporary exhibitions.