Nordic walking land
The Nordic walking land of Zielona Góra situated in the western part of the city will surely impress you. The well-signposted trails will lead you across the picturesque areas of Zielona Góra.
Get to know the top 5 propositions for a recreational walk through Zielona Góra’s forests.
Do źródełka (To the Spring)
The course of the trail is very pleasant and gentle, and it starts and ends near the Botanical Garden. As the name itself suggests, the trail’s destination is a spring of a local stream called Pustelnik.
The length of the trail: 1,6 km
Jagodowych Wzgórz (the Blueberry Hills)
Walking along this trail, you can get to the highest point of Zielona Góra (210.8 MSL). The Blueberry Hill itself is one of the most interesting points that you can see on your way.
The length of the trail: 6,7 km
Szybki Bismarck (the Quick Bismarck)
During a walk you can clearly notice rolling hills, including a hill slope of Wał Zielonogórski towards the south (the highest western part of a mesoregion called Wzniesienia Zielonogórskie – the Zielona Góra Elevations). Terrain upheavals, ravines and floral variety creates unusually beautiful landscape. The highlight of this trail is Bismarck’s brick tower.
The length of the trail: 6,5 km
Ośmiu tysięcy zabytków (the 8 Thousands Monuments)
A gentle trail that will lead you to the Ethnographic Museum in Ochla.
The length of the trail: 4,1 km
Wielka Piasta (the Big Piast)
The longest trail of these in question. It includes the most attractive terrains of the Piast Hills. A walk through it takes over 3 hours, but we assure you that it is worth exploring.
The length of the trail: 13,6 km